Food Preservatives: The Deadly Chemicals Killing You From The Inside!
What Are Food Preservatives?
Food Preservatives are harmful chemical substances that are added to food called food additives to help prevent spoiling, improve appearance and/or maintain the food’s nutritional quality.
Some preservatives come from natural sources like salt, sugar, vinegar and citrus juice. But the food preservative that I'm talking about are synthetic chemicals that are very harmful to human health which are added to processed and junk foods to prolong their shelf life.
Processed or junk foods laden with harmful preservatives
Examples of the harmful chemicals that are used as food preservative are;
• Benzoic acid
• Calcium Sorbate
• Erythorbic Acid
• Potassium Nitrate
• Sodium Benzoate
• Ascorbyl Palmitate
• Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA)
• Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT)
• Formaldehyde.
What foods have preservatives added to them?
Processed, packaged foods like some crackers, cereals, breads, snacks, ready-to-eat meals, cheese, yogurt, deli meats, sauces, soups and sodas (soft drinks) do contain poisonous preservatives.
Reasons Why Food Preservatives Are Bad For You?
The levels of food contamination have reached an all-new level. In order to preserve the taste, freshness, and colour of the foods, harmful and very poisonous preservatives such as:
Benzoic acid, Calcium Sorbate, Erythorbic Acid, Potassium Nitrate
Sodium Benzoate, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA), Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT), Formaldehyde are added.
They are chemicals that have been reported through medical research to produce debilitating diseases in the body of both the young and the old.
These harmful chemicals are often labeled as additives on food labels with their characteristics numbers as shown below:
The Harmful Effects of Preservatives on your Health
It is often said by the processed food making industries and their hired gun( compromised scientists) that food preservatives that are rife in sodas, and processed foods are not harmful or would not be harmful to the human body and health since they are easily metabolized by the human body. But the fact to know in their assumptions is this:
From Microbiology, we are made to know that, the harmful chemicals used as food preservatives while in the process of digestion and assimilation (metabolism) are constantly being taken into our body cells through a process known as BIO-ACCUMULATION, where they attack the cells and tissues of our organs such as the liver, kidney, pancreas, heart, and brain causing debilitating diseases and abnormalities such as: Cancer, Diabetes, Cirrhosis of the liver or liver damage, Kidney problems, Brain tumors, and many inflammations that result in Autoimmune diseases.
The introduction of man-made chemicals/toxins (poisons), neurotoxins, mutagen, carcinogens, teratogen and metabolic pathway disruptors that are the sum total of what these food preservatives turn into when we consume them in Junk Foods and processed foods (such as packaged foods like some crackers, cereals, breads, snacks, ready-to-eat meals, cheese, yogurt, deli meats, sauces and soups) into our body systems
do bring dire consequences in the resultant or attendant diseases that develop in the human body.
Diseases Caused By Food Preservatives
The following are the diseases that the consumption of food laden with preservatives develop in the human body
• Genetic mutations
• Cancer
• Heart disease
• Breathing problems(asthmatic conditions)
• Kidney problems
• ADDH or hypersensitivity etc.
1. Genetic mutations
The introduction of man-made chemicals/toxins (poisons), neurotoxins, mutagen, carcinogens, teratogen and metabolic pathway disruptors that are in Junk Foods with their sweeteners, flavours and preservatives into the environment where all of these cells live and thrive do bring dire consequences:
-the presence of mutagen in your blood circulation can lead to disastrous mutations in the DNA of your immune cells through BIO-ACCUMULATION, causing malfunction of your immune cells making them to lose their primary biological functions and instead of fighting against foreign cells (pathogens or germs) that cause diseases, they now start fighting against the human body cells and tissues that they ought to protect, thereby resulting in the condition called Autoimmune Disease.
The human immune system is so delicate and complex that a slight change in any of the mechanisms(biochemical and microbiological) dictating the complex and complicated immune system processes can lead to devastating immunological anomalies as exhibited in Autoimmune Diseases.
Our body is made up of cells and tissues- many are static(immobile) while many are constantly moving from one place to another all over or inside our body systems.Examples are blood cells or tissues, immune cells and the body tissues. All of these cells are living, taking integral and very important part in sustaining human life and existence.
There is a principle in Immunity/Immunology (Microbiology) called Recognition of self and non-self that involves biochemical transduction or signalling which is very important and integral in immune response which is the foundation on which immune system or immunity is base that are genetically and biochemically mediate. It is a principle that all immune cells that are involved in the immune system must obey. And they do obey this law or principle normally everyday of our life. But instances do occur when these immune cells now disobey, though not willingly, they do disobey when mutagen and carcinogens have taken over their genetic code/information through the bio-accumulation of toxins from junk foods(filled with poisonous preservatives) making them to lose control or getting wrong information concerning their basic functions from their DNA(nucleus). When these occur, they start to do what is against their primary function-which is defending the body against foreign cells or pathogens (germs).They now start fighting the body cells with all their defense arsenal instead of the enemies of the body: they see the body cells as the enemies to fight against not the real enemies(pathogens, germs or foreign cells) anymore, resulting in the aforementioned disease condition, popularly known as Autoimmune Diseases. Examples of which include, Diabetes insipidus, Rheumatoid arthritis, Ulcerative colitis, Crohn disease.
3. Heart Diseases
Cardiovascular diseases have become quite common and the presence of preservatives on food items is one of the main causes of increasing heart problems. Research conducted by InChem suggested that food preservatives can weaken the heart tissues. When you consume food items that have a residue of the preservative on the surface, it can increase the chances of heart damage.
4. Breathing Problems(asthmatic conditions)
Preservatives and chemicals present in food items also increase the chances of breathing problems. According to research by MayoClinic, removing foods with preservatives from the diet can help in reducing the symptoms as well as the severity of breathing problems and asthma. Some of the preservatives present in food items such as Aspartame, sulfites, and benzoates aggravate breathing problems.
5. Cancer
One of the most harmful effects of preservatives on food items is their ability to transform into carcinogen agents. Some of the food items consist of nitrosamines, a preservative that has nitrites and nitrates, which mix with the gastric acids and form cancer-causing agents called Carcinogens.The presence of and circulation of carcinogens in your body tissues and plasma (fluid) circulation can also develop or produce disastrous health problems as they are exhibited in numerous cancer that develop in the human body as result of them.
Conclusion and Recommendations
To ensure that you avoid eating these harmful preservatives, you need to avoid snacks or meals that are loaded with nitrites and nitrates.
Nevertheless, the fresh fruits and vegetables that we thought are safe, are now loaded with chemicals and preservatives. Taking into consideration the increased use of chemicals and preservatives, it is extremely important to avoid Junk Foods and majority of soft drinks (sodas).
However, when it comes to fresh fruits and vegetables, it is impossible to avoid them considering their dietary significance. This is the reason why it is extremely important to wash fruits and vegetables in the right way using a vegetable and fruit cleaner.
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