
JUNK AND PROCESSED FOODS: Dangers Inherent In Their Consumption!

Junk foods(Non-foods): What are they? Junk and processed foods   NON-FOODS or Junk foods  are devitalized and refined processed foods with chemicals concocted by chemist and food science technologist that are packaged with sweet flavours for the vast majority of people to consume which are deleterious and inimical to the human health as opposed to natural unprocessed or unrefined foods. Microbiology : Junk Foods are processed foods that enhance and promote the growth and proliferation of harmful bacteria, yeast or microorganisms at the detriment of useful bacteria/ microorganisms in the human gut/gastrointestinal tract(GIT ): they are the foods that had undergone synthetic and biochemical modifications which removed their vital and nutritious components, leaving behind fractionated and devitalized simple sugar components which inundate and overwhelm the digestive with excessive amount of devitalized fractionated simple sugars which harmful bacteria/microorganisms...

Unsheathed Peanuts: The Dangers Inherent In Its Consumption!

Unsheathed Peanuts: The Dangers Inherent In Its Consumption!     Clean, but not clean!    Why is the consumption of unsheathed peanuts dangerous?   Elucidations    On sight from the shelf, alluring, tempting it is, for those whom the consumption of peanut is pleasant and agreeable, because of the way it appeals to the eyes of the consumer; all for cleaningness and the accentuation of its readiness for consumption.      But the accentuation and the alluring cleaningness is a facade! Unsheathed roasted peanuts is the opposite of what it portrays. Larger percentage of roasted unsheathed peanuts are the microcosm of unseen disease causing microorganisms called pathogens! How do you mean? You'll ask me.     Elucidations- Its Microbiology In Relation To Public Health. Clean, but not microbiologically clean!      Majority of consumables from moist or dry heat(prepared or cooked in boiling water, ...

The Cure For Diabetes Mellitus: Alternative Medicine(DIY)

  Diabetic foot disease .               CURE FOR DIABETES MELLITUS.      Diabetes is a condition that impairs the body’s ability to process blood glucose, otherwise known as blood sugar. There are several types of diabetes.     The most common types of diabetes include: ✓Diabetes insipidus-type 1,  ✓Diabetes mellitus-type 2, and  ✓gestational diabetes,         High blood sugar levels can seriously damage parts of your body, including your feet and your eyes.These are called diabetes complications       Complications of Diabetes.   ✓ Eye problems (retinopathy) Some people with diabetes develop an eye disease called diabetic retinopathy which can affect their eyesight. ✓ Foot problems Diabetes foot problems are serious and can lead to amputation if untreated. Nerve damage can affect the feeling in your feet and raised blood su...

Cure For Premature Ejaculation: Alternative/Herbal Medicine (DIY)

The Cure For Premature Ejaculation: Alternative/Herbal Medicine. A man facing the challenge of Erectile Dysfunction    One of the major challenges which face newly married couples and those that are already married which usually bring about marital issues ranging from promiscuity to divorce is Erectile dysfunction (E.D.) with other  contributing factors which can not be enumerated but are known to married couples.      Of the various Erectile Dysfunction types, Premature ejaculation is a major issue which many men face especially those that are not impotent. Premature ejaculation results from the inability of a man to maintain or sustain erection beyond 2 or 3 minutes. These types of men are called '2 minutes men'. This appellation may be funny to hear, but it brings shame to the man suffering from it due to his lack of confidence in front of his wife that this sexual dysfunction bring upon him.       While in the bid to surmount...

The Cure For Hypertension(High Blood Pressure): Alternative/Herbal Medicine(DIY)

  Cure For Hypertension           A man in the throes of Hypertension   What is Hypertension or High Blood Pressure?     Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) is a heart condition in which the pressure of the volume of the blood(created by the heart when it is pumping the blood round the circulatory systems- blood vessels) and the force created by the pumping action of the heart against the walls of the blood vessels is consistently too high! NOTE : In order to survive and function properly, the tissues and organs of the human body need oxygenated blood that the circulatory system carry round the body. When the heart beats, it creates pressure that pushes blood through a network of tube- shaped blood vessels, which include arteries, veins and capillaries. This pressure(blood pressure) is the result of two forces.  The first force(systolic pressure) occur as blood pumps out of the heart and into the arteries that are part of the...

Pounded Yam: Tourists And Travellers Beware Of The Dangers Inherent In Its Consumption!

Pounded Yam: Tourists and Travellers Beware!     Yams being pounded in mortar with crevices What is bad in eating pounded yam?        The consumption of pounded yam may not be bad, if not for the enormous bacteria and fungi load/count that are churned along with it, from the mortar and pestle used in preparing it, as well as the presence of contaminants or normal flora that are glued to the leaves used in wrapping it. Microbiological Elaborations    The wooden mortar and pestle used in pounding the already cooked yam are habitats of microorganisms and their spores e.g. bacteria and fungi, which make the cracks and crevices present on the mortar and pestle, their habitats.  A typical mortar with cracks and crevices.       Before and after the mortar and pestle are used, they are usually washed and kept in storage. But the presence of the cracks and crevices on the wooden mortar and pestle, make the washi...

The Pie That Never Goes Bad: Dangers Inherent In Eating Foods Made With Preservatives

      The Pie That Never Goes Bad:   Dangers Inherent In Eating Commercially Made Bakery Products                     What Are The Reasons Why Bakery Products Are Bad For Your Health?   The observation and expatiation on this public health emergency came out of an encounter that I had in 2011, when I bought fishpie from a grocer hawking it in the street. While in the process of ingesting the fishpie, a chunk of it dropped from my hands to the back of the chair, I was sitting on while eating the fishpie and was inadvertently left there for more than a week.       Fortunately, for what will be discovered which led to my writing this article, and to my chagrin, I found the chunk of the pie that dropped from my hand behind the chair in the same state it was when I bought it. Almost two weeks later, it did not change colour! It did not grow moulds despite the present high humidity ...