ASPARTAME: A Camouflaged Poison (Neurotoxin)!
ASPARTAME: A Camouflaged Neurotoxin!
Aspartame, with regard to what people were made to know it for, and as it is written on beverages labels, it is a source of phenylalanine, an essential protein as they said, it breaks down into its components as a compound to produce phenylalanine.
What about the other components?
Because, as compounds are defined in chemistry, compounds are made up of two or more elements chemically combined together.
Aspartame a source of protein or source of death?
What is the other component aside phenylalanine that is not reported, but that everyone or anyone consuming anything sweetened with or containing Aspartame is grappling with that is a source of death?
Aspartame as a chemical compound ubiquitous in our daily consumption of processed foods is an artificial sweetener which is used instead of sugar in all sugar- free drinks and processed foods e.g. diet sodas.
Aspartame is a camouflaged poison made up of a triple molecule composed of aspartic acid, phenylalanine and methanol (wood alcohol). Russell Blaylock, a professor of neurophysiology, is the real expert on aspartic acid. In his book, Excitotoxin: The Taste that Kills, Dr. Blaylock reminds us that MSG is 99% aspartic acid. Aspartic acid is a major neurotoxin which can cause virtually any neurological disorder such as:
Brain tumors
Multiple sclerosis
Chronic fatigue
Parkinson’s disease
Nental retardation
Birth defects
Muscle spasm
Rapid heartbeat
Vision problems
Hearing loss
Anxiety attacks
Slurred speech
Loss of taste
Ringing in the ears
Memory loss
Aspartame produces all of these diseases by producing free radicals that kill nerve cells. Blaylock has over 500 scientific references to back up this notion of nerve damage from aspartic acid.
A chemical that kills nerve cells may mimic several neurological diseases. One is Multiple Sclerosis. With true MS, the insulation around nerves – the myelin – is being slowly destroyed, for some unknown reason. This shorts out the affected parts of the nervous system. The result is a wide range of possible symptoms – numbness, pain, confusion, headache, blindness, organ breakdown, etc. But aspartame may cause the identical presentation, and be misdiagnosed as MS. This would render any treatment for the MS useless, obviously. The point is, if someone has been diagnosed with MS, or with any other incurable nerve disorder, and they’re drinking diet soft drinks on a daily basis, the physicians may be barking up the wrong tree. And the patient will continue to poison himself, maybe to death.
Aspartic acid is very dangerous to infants, whose nervous systems are still forming and have not developed a defense system as yet. Very similar to what we saw with DPT shots (Sanctity of Human Blood). It may not be wise to give your infant diet anything.
Phenylalanine is an amino acid necessary for brain function. In excess, phenylalanine lowers serotonin levels, causing depression.
Methanol is wood alcohol. In the 1920s when liquor was illegal in USA, people would sometimes resort to wood alcohol, even though the dangers of blindness from doing so were well known. Methanol is a by-product of aspartame after aspartame breaks down in the small intestine, from the action of our enzyme chymotrypsin.
An additional problem with methanol is that it is then changed into formaldehyde in the body. As we saw in Sanctity of Human Blood, formaldehyde is a well-known neurotoxin and carcinogen, documented in every toxicology and pathology text ever written.
Researchers found out that digestion is not even necessary to break aspartame down into these three toxins. If the diet soda sits around in a room where temperature goes above 86 degrees F, formaldehyde is produced.Other researchers have correlated the neurotoxic components of Gulf War Syndrome with the boatloads of diet soda that sat around in the desert sun for weeks, at temperatures above 100 degrees F. But such a thing happens every day in America in warmer climates. Soda delivery trucks aren’t refrigerated.
Aspartame (Nutrasweet, Equal, etc.) was discovered in 1965 in the United States of America USA by the pharmaceutical firm G.D. Searle. Refined sugar is only like a drug; aspartame is a drug.
Searle, the pharmaceutical company, was doing research to invent an “ulcer drug” when a chemist James Schlatter licked his hand one day to detect a very sweet taste from contact with aspartame. Noticing that he did not die immediately, he had an idea for an artificial sweetener.
From historical archive, it was found:
When the FDA approved Aspartame for human consumption in 1974, it went against a body of evidence so enormous as to stagger the credulity of virtually any thinking person.
“What most consumers don’t know,” says Mike Wallace of CBS’s “60 Minutes,” “is that aspartame’s approval was one of the most contested in FDA history. Consumers have reported more than 7,000 adverse reactions to the FDA, ranging from dizziness to headaches to seizures.”
From the very beginning, researchers had problems with aspartame’s effects on the body, especially on the nervous system. A more complete list of aspartame’s side effects is found in a Feb. 1994 report from the Department of Health and Human Services:
✓muscle spasms
✓weight gain
✓vision problem
✓hearing loss
✓anxiety attacks
✓slurred speech
✓loss of taste
✓ringing in the ears
✓memory loss
Other researchers found that Aspartame could cause
✓brain tumors
✓multiple sclerosis
✓chronic fatiguemultiple sclerosis
✓chronic fatigue
✓Parkinson’s disease
✓mental retardation
✓birth defects
✓diabetes {!}
These are what people really get when they think they’re getting what? A “diet” drink that will let them lose weight and still enjoy soft drinks? And it still causes diabetes and weight gain? Looks like some more masterful marketing, the type that sells vaccines and heart medication and fake insulin and pain killers. And the beauty of it is that the drug companies will get money both ways –
-when people drink the diet soft drinks
-when people then get all these diseases, which require more drugs!
Toxicity levels?
The EPA has giving methanol as consumption limit of 7.8 mg per day. Problem is, a one liter bottle of diet soda contains 56 mg of potential methanol!
A partial list of processed foods sweetened with Aspartame are as follows;
Diet soft drinks
Breakfast cereals
Malt beverages
Pie fillings
Fruit juice concentrates
Baked goods
Breath mints
Chewing gum
Wine coolers
Aspartame as we have been privileged to see in the write up, is an ubiquitous poison camouflaged as a source of protein, because of little or no information that is available in the public space about the harmful and deleterious effects that it has on the human body.
Though, ubiquitous Aspartame appears to be with respect to it constant use in processed foods, but we can avoid this camouflaged neurotoxin by steering clear of processed foods in our daily food consumption.
Endeavour to avoid junk foods:
Cook what you eat and eat what you cook.
In addition, let us all be predisposed to eating fresh clean fruits and vegetables
instead of fizzy drinks and sodas which are full of harmful preservatives which have deleterious effects on human health.
P.S. If you find this article educative and informative, you can endeavour to help share around to other people who will be in need of it. This endeavour of yours will go a long way in breaking the vicious cycle of diseases in our society and contribute alot to improving Public Health.
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