Junk Foods, Inflammation, and Autoimmune Diseases:The Deadly Relations That Kill You Prematurely
Processed foods with their harmful and toxic life-threatening processing chemicals
The topic of this blog may seem strange to us if I dive into it without letting the readers know what Inflammation is; what Autoimmune diseases are; what Junk foods really are, and the reasons why they go hand in hand or relate to bring premature death to human being.
NOTE: concerning Junk foods; some people really do not know the difference between nutritious foods(balanced food) and harmful foods(Junk foods): they thought all foods are good to eat once they contain protein, carbohydrates, fat and oil, vitamins, and good seasonings and they satisfy the hunger of the body
What are Junk Foods?
Junk foods with their toxic chemicals
Junk Foods are refined and processed foods and their accessories such as sodas (soft drinks), white sugar, white flour, processed meat, HFCS(high fructose corn syrup), artificial sweeteners (Aspartame), food preservatives, synthetic food seasoners (MSG-Monosodiumglutamate).
They are harmful foods and food alternatives concocted by food science technologist and chemist that are packaged with preservatives and sweet flavours for the vast majority of people to consume which develop debilitating diseases such as Cancer, Obesity, Asthma, Autoimmune diseases, Inflammations, Diabetes, Nervous disorders in the human body when they are consumed as opposed to natural unprocessed foods which do not develop diseases in the human body but rather makes the human body to perform uptimally and fight diseases.
What is Inflammation?
Inflammation is a body defense mechanism which is activated when foreign agents like viruses, bacteria, parasites and or toxic chemicals enter the body or when any part of our body suffers injury. Whenever any of the incidents mentioned above occurs, the body immune system sends out its first responders: inflammatory cells and cytokines (biochemicals) that stimulate more inflammatory cells.These cells initiate inflammatory response to trap bacteria and other offending agents/germs to destroy them, and start the process of healing any injured parts of our body that suffers injury.
There are two types of Inflammation, which are;
•Microbial inflammation
•Non-microbial inflammation.
Microbial inflammation
Microbial inflammations are the inflammations developed in the human body as a result of the immune defense actions against the invasion or incursion of pathogens or foreign agents into the body of a human being.
Non-Microbial inflammation
Non-Microbial Inflammations are inflammations activated or provoked in the human body that are not of microbial or microorganisms origin, but are caused or brought about, when we ingest or eat junk foods- Foods that contain mutagen, carcinogens, and metabolic pathway disruptors and that are not digested in the human bodies which later leak half-digested food particles with their toxins/poisons( mutagen, carcinogens, teratogen and metabolic pathway disruptors etc.) into the blood stream and these are lodged at various sites in the human body such as joints, lungs, kidney, pancreas, liver, nerves, and the GIT, where they serve as foreign objects (bodies) wherever they are lodged, to which the the human immune defense mechanism react to and attack as foreign objects or bodies(antigens) along with the sites (organs or tissues) at/in which they are lodged or deposited, causing these sites/organs/tissues to be inflammed or swell up and be damage repeatedly, as result of the constant attack of the immune defense system on them.
The abnormal phenomenon that is- the state in which the human immune defense mechanism attack the foreign objects/agents (half-digested or undigested junk foods which leaked into the blood stream) deposited on/in organs and tissues in the human body as well as the sites (organs or joints where they are deposited) is what we call or result in Autoimmune diseases.
Autoimmune Disease: is an abnormal condition in the human body in which the human immune system fight against the human internal organs and tissues instead of fighting against pathogens or germs that cause diseases.
The Deadly Relationship That Kills Prematurely
Biochemical and Microbiological Reasons Why Your Immune System Is Fighting Against You-Autoimmune Diseases
The human immune system is so delicate and complex that a slight change in any of the mechanisms(biochemical and microbiological) dictating the complex and complicated immune system processes can lead to devastating immunological anomalies as exhibited in Autoimmune Diseases.
Our body is made up of cells and tissues- many are static(immobile) while many are constantly moving from one place to another all over or inside our body systems.Examples are blood cells or tissues, immune cells and the body tissues. All of these cells are living, taking integral and very important part in sustaining human life and existence.
The introduction of man-made chemicals/toxins (poisons), neurotoxins, mutagen, carcinogens, teratogen and metabolic pathway disruptors that are rife in Junk Foods with their sweeteners, flavours and preservatives into the environment where all of these cells live and thrive do bring dire consequences:
which are;
-the presence of mutagen in your blood circulation can lead to disastrous mutations in the DNA of your immune cells through BIO-ACCUMULATION, causing malfunction of your immune cells making them to lose their primary biological functions and instead of fighting against foreign cells (pathogens or germs) that cause diseases, they now start fighting against the human body cells and tissues that they ought to protect, thereby resulting in the condition called Autoimmune Disease.
- the presence of and circulation of carcinogens in your body tissues and plasma (fluid) circulation can also develop or produce disastrous health problems as they are exhibited in numerous cancer that develop in the human body as result of them.
Junk Foods And Immunity
There is a principle in Immunity (Microbiology) called Recognition of self and non-self that involves biochemical transduction or signalling which is very important and integral in immune response which is the foundation on which immune system or immunity is based that are genetically and biochemically mediated.
It is a principle that all immune cells that are involved in the immune system must obey. And they do obey this law or principle normally everyday of our life. But instances do occur when these immune cells now disobey, though not willingly, they do disobey when mutagen and carcinogens have taken over their genetic code/information through the bio-accumulation of toxins from junk foods, making them to lose control or getting wrong information concerning their basic functions from their DNA(nucleus). When these occur, they start to do what is against their primary function-which is defending the body against foreign cells or pathogens (germs).
They now start fighting the body cells with all their defense arsenal instead of the enemies of the bod: they see the body cells as the enemies to fight against not the real enemies(pathogens, germs or foreign cells) anymore, resulting in the aforementioned disease condition, popularly known as Autoimmune Diseases. Examples of which include, Diabetes insipidus type 1, Rheumatoid arthritis, Ulcerative colitis, Crohn disease.
Conclusion and Recommendations
• Inflammations and Autoimmune diseases caused by microorganisms can be easily resolved with targeted regimen of antibiotics and vaccines.
• But the Inflammations and their resultant or associated autoimmune diseases caused by the consumption of Junk foods rife or full of mutagen, carcinogens, teratogen and metabolic pathway disruptors do not go away with targeted regimen of antibiotics and vaccines because they are autoimmune diseases that are not of microbial or microorganisms (pathogens or germs) origin. Your body developed them because of the food (Junk foods) that you consume unending from day to day.
• These diseases-Autoimmune diseases and Inflammations, can only go away when you stop consuming the Junk foods that make them to develop in your body systems in the first place.
• Endeavour to cook what you eat and eat what you cook.
• Make it a habit to eat unprocessed and unrefined foods like the ones below
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