
Showing posts from February, 2023

Food Preservatives: The Deadly Chemicals Killing You From The Inside!

  What Are Food Preservatives? Harmful food additives called food preservatives.       Food Preservatives are harmful chemical substances that are added to food called food additives to help prevent spoiling, improve appearance and/or maintain the food’s nutritional quality. Some preservatives come from natural sources like salt, sugar, vinegar and citrus juice. But the food preservative that I'm talking about are synthetic chemicals that are very harmful to human health which are added to processed and junk foods to prolong their shelf life. Soft drinks with their harmful preservatives Processed or junk foods laden with harmful preservatives Examples of the harmful chemicals that are used as food preservative are; • Benzoic acid • Calcium Sorbate • Erythorbic Acid • Potassium Nitrate • Sodium Benzoate • Ascorbyl Palmitate • Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) • Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) • Formaldehyde. What foods have preservativ...

Economical And Safe Reasons Why You Should Use Herbal Medicine

Reasons Why You Should Use Herbal Medicine I take my facts from many incidents that I have been privileged to see, read, and experienced in life situations and also from the treatment of acute and chronic diseases. I would start from:  Malaria Fever Brimstone leaves(Morinda lucida): the  herb that was used to cure my former landlord of his malaria.       In Modakeke-Ife, Ile-Ife, Osun State Nigeria, I was privileged to take care of my former landlord who was down with Malaria Fever with a herb called Morinda lucida (Ewe oruwo-Yoruba language). This man had been overpowered and made temporarily impotent or enervated by malaria. He went into his bedroom and laid on the floor there and could not rise up- it is quite unusual for him to be in that state in day time. Seeing him in that state, I went out to the bush where I could lay my hands on the aforementioned herb , got back home and started the preparation of the herb: I washed the herbs thoroughly ...