
Economical And Safe Reasons Why You Should Use Herbal Medicine

Reasons Why You Should Use Herbal Medicine I take my facts from many incidents that I have been privileged to see, read, and experienced in life situations and also from the treatment of acute and chronic diseases. I would start from:  Malaria Fever Brimstone leaves(Morinda lucida): the  herb that was used to cure my former landlord of his malaria.       In Modakeke-Ife, Ile-Ife, Osun State Nigeria, I was privileged to take care of my former landlord who was down with Malaria Fever with a herb called Morinda lucida (Ewe oruwo-Yoruba language). This man had been overpowered and made temporarily impotent or enervated by malaria. He went into his bedroom and laid on the floor there and could not rise up- it is quite unusual for him to be in that state in day time. Seeing him in that state, I went out to the bush where I could lay my hands on the aforementioned herb , got back home and started the preparation of the herb: I washed the herbs thoroughly ...

Junk Foods, Inflammation, and Autoimmune Diseases:The Deadly Relations That Kill You Prematurely

    Processed foods with their harmful and toxic life-threatening processing chemicals  The topic of this blog may seem strange to us if I dive into it without letting the readers know what Inflammation is; what Autoimmune diseases are; what Junk foods really are, and the reasons why they go hand in hand or relate to bring premature death to human being. NOTE: concerning Junk foods ; some people really do not know the difference between nutritious foods(balanced food) and harmful foods( Junk foods ): they thought all foods are good to eat once they contain protein, carbohydrates, fat and oil, vitamins, and good seasonings and they satisfy the hunger of the body What are Junk Foods ?      Junk foods with their toxic chemicals     Junk Foods are refined and processed foods and their accessories such as sodas (soft drinks), white sugar, white flour, processed meat, HFCS(high fructose corn syrup), art...

Microbiological and Biochemical Reasons Why Your Immune System Is Killing You(Auto-immune Diseases)

Autoimmune Diseases: What Are They? Autoimmune Diseases: Malar rash typical of autoimmune disease. Neuropathy of the feet, an autoimmune disease.     An Autoimmune disease is an abnormal condition in the human body in which the human immune defense system fight against the human internal organs, tissues, and cells instead of pathogens or germs that cause diseases through a body defense mechanism called Inflammation . In a normal body/health state, Inflammation  is a normal process through which the human defense system use to protect the body against invaders called pathogens or germs that cause diseases.       Inflammation is a body defense mechanism which is activated when foreign agents like viruses, bacteria, parasites and or toxic chemicals enter the body or when any part of our body suffers injury. Whenever any of the two incidents mentioned above occurs, the body immune system sends out its first responders: infla...

Cure For Malaria Fever: Alternative/Herbal Medicine (DIY)

Brimstone leaf, a potent herb for the cure of Malaria. What is Malaria Fever?       Malaria Fever is a disease condition caused by different species of Plasmodium parasite such as Plasmodium falciparum , P. vivax, P. ovale and P. malarie.It is a disease characterized by burning fever, shaking chills(cold) and sweating.      A mosquito taking a blood meal. Malaria is developed in the human body when mosquito (female anopheles) bites a human being to take a blood meal, while in the process of sucking blood from the bite site, it releases one of the species of Plasmodium e.g. Plasmodium falciparum into the blood stream of its victim through its blood decoagulating saliva. The Malaria disease condition now starts when Plasmodium parasite leave the blood stream and enter the liver(hepatic) cells, where it starts to multiply itself, all in the bid to complete the life cycle it had started in the abdomen of the female anopheles mosquito...

Microbiological Reasons Why You Should Stop Eating Salad and Raw Meat!

Microbiological Reasons Why You Should Stop Eating Salad And Raw Meat!           Well prepared, but it's dangerous!     Salad as it is known, a combination of different vegetables or fruits slashed together uncooked, prepared fresh with dressing such as vinegar or mayonnaise for human consumption.      It's  a delicacy for the provision of nutrients which may not be present in few cooked food because of their degradation on exposure to heat(heat labile- the nutrients do get destroyed by heating or cooking them). But with the advantage comes the disadvantage: in exposing yourself to being infected or getting acute and chronic diseases such as Cholera, Typhoid, Hepatitis, Enteritis, Ulcer, etc.You may wonder at times when you catch one of these diseases mysteriously and you don't know how you came down with it, your salad and other raw foods are responsible for it!       When the disadvantage of a thing...

ASPARTAME: A Camouflaged Poison (Neurotoxin)!

ASPARTAME: A Camouflaged Neurotoxin!      Aspartame: a typical neurotoxin!     Aspartame , with regard to what people were made to know it for, and as it is written on beverages labels, it is a source of phenylalanine, an essential protein as they said, it breaks down into its components as a compound to produce phenylalanine.  What about the other components?  Because, as compounds are defined in chemistry, compounds are made up of two or more elements chemically combined together. Aspartame a source of protein or source of death?    What is the other component aside phenylalanine that is not reported, but that everyone or anyone consuming anything sweetened with or containing Aspartame is grappling with that is a source of death?   Aspartame as a chemical compound ubiquitous in our daily consumption of processed foods is an artificial sweetener which is used instead of sugar in all sugar- free drinks and processed foods e....

MIMOSA PUDICA, A MULTIPURPOSE HERBAL MEDICINE: These are the Diseases you can use it to cure.

MIMOSA PUDICA : What is special about it? Mimosa pudica ( touch me not/shy plant)         Mimosa pudica is a green plant that many people are familiar with. Nevertheless,   many people are not familiar with it probably due to climatic and geographical distribution which dictates its growth and survival.  But to the people favoured to have it in their climate, it is a plant with distinct characteristics differentiate it from other species of its kind. It's an unusual plant from every other plants and it is characteristically called Touch me not or the shy plant ( the Yoruba people call it Ewe panumo - close your mouth leaf)      It has some variants having similar fluffy flowers and at times, growing in the same place or habitat. But something differentiates it from its variants though they all look alike. This particular specie has vicious prickles or thorn all over it stems or creepers that differentiates from other species...