
Cure For Cancer Other Than Chemotherapy

Cancer in the human body What Is Cancer? Cancer is an anomaly in the human body cells which occur when some of the body cells multiply or grow uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body.  Cancer can start almost anywhere in the human body, which is made up of trillions of cells. Microbiology : The growth and multiplication of human cells are normal processes which the human body carry out to repair damaged or worn-out tissues. The human body cells grow and multiply through a process called cell division-(mitosis and meiosis) to form new cells as the body needs them.  Sometimes this normal process of growth and multiplication of cells for repair and replace of damaged and worn-out tissues get out of control of the nucleus controlling them, and abnormal or damaged cells grow and multiply when they shouldn’t. These cells may form tumors, which are lumps of tissue. Tumors can be cancerous(malignant) or not cancerous (benign).  Cancerous tumors do sprea...

The Cure For Ulcers and Other GIT Diseases.

Pure unrefined honey, a potent anti-ulcer and antibacterial! Banana, the soothing fruit with enzymes and vitamins for cells rejuvenation. What are Ulcers? Ulcers are open sore of the skin, eyes and mucous membrane or lining of the stomach, which is often caused by action of acids from the gastric juice produced by the gastric gland or from acidic foods that we consume (e.g. soft and alcoholic drinks) or through infection or attack by bacteria and generally prolonged by an inflammation and/or further infections. The Cure for Ulcers For permanent cure and healing for Ulcers both in the stomach and other gastrointestinal tract(GIT) as a Microbiogist and an alternative/herbal health practitioner, I'll recommend the use or applications of bananas and pure unrefined/unadulterated honey. What makes bananas and pure honey the suitable cure for Ulcers? Bananas Bananas has the natural enzymes and sugar(fructose) to soothe the sore in your stoma...

Reasons Why Your Grown-up Child Is Still Bedwetting And The Cure

Commercially made bread with its toxins What Is Bedwetting (Nocturnal enuresis) ?       Bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis) is the involuntary release of urine/pee while asleep. It is a condition that affects children, teenagers and adults.       Although it is a condition that is common in early childhood, it becomes a problem and something to worry over if it happens to someone over the age of 7 and these bedwetting happen at least twice per week for at least three months in a row. There are many causes of bedwetting and one integral factor that causes continual untreatable bedwetting until adulthood which can be avoided, and is preventable is what I will be discussing below. Reasons Why Your Grown-up Child Is Still Bedwetting This discovery (Reason why your grown-up child is still bedwetting) is a great privilege and fortunate discovery which I was privileged to discover some years back when this anomaly happened to a grown-up child that is abov...

Cure For Asthma: Herbal/Alternative Medicine

Euphorbia hirta for Asthma What is Asthma? Asthma is a long-term respiratory condition, in which the air ways may unexpectedly and suddenly narrow, often in response to an allergen, cold air,hot air or heat stress, exercise, or emotional stress. Symptoms include wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. Herbal Cure For Asthma Euphobia hirta , a potent antiasthma herb       For the cure of Asthma in alternative or herbal way without the use of conventional medicine, I will recommend this potent herb called  Euphorbia hirta  popularly called (asthma plant) which belongs to the largest genus Euphorbia (1600 species) in the plant family Euphorbiaceae, which is characterized by the production of milky white latex.      The plant is a small annual (ephemeral) herb. It has simple leaves that are displayed in opposite arrangement.    This plant derives its common name, (asthma plant) from its anti-as...

The Cure For Asthma Other Than Using Inhaler Or Hospitalization

What is Asthma? An asthmatic patient being given inhaler Asthma is a long-term respiratory condition, in which the air ways may unexpectedly and suddenly narrow, often in response to an allergen, cold air,hot air or heat stress, exercise, or emotional stress. Symptoms include wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. Its Microbiology :  Asthma is an hypersensitivity (a disorder) of the immune system to allergens, in which the immune system of a person suffering from Asthma reacts abnormally to the presence of allergens by producing biochemicals which cause respiratory impairment by making the smooth muscle to contract in the bronchioles. The arterioles dilate, which greatly reduces arterial blood pressure and increases capillary permeability with rapid loss of fluid into tissue spaces. These physiological changes can be rapid and severe enough to be fatal within a few minutes from reduced venous return, asphyxiation, reduced blood pressure, and cir...

Food Preservatives: The Deadly Chemicals Killing You From The Inside!

  What Are Food Preservatives? Harmful food additives called food preservatives.       Food Preservatives are harmful chemical substances that are added to food called food additives to help prevent spoiling, improve appearance and/or maintain the food’s nutritional quality. Some preservatives come from natural sources like salt, sugar, vinegar and citrus juice. But the food preservative that I'm talking about are synthetic chemicals that are very harmful to human health which are added to processed and junk foods to prolong their shelf life. Soft drinks with their harmful preservatives Processed or junk foods laden with harmful preservatives Examples of the harmful chemicals that are used as food preservative are; • Benzoic acid • Calcium Sorbate • Erythorbic Acid • Potassium Nitrate • Sodium Benzoate • Ascorbyl Palmitate • Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) • Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) • Formaldehyde. What foods have preservativ...

Economical And Safe Reasons Why You Should Use Herbal Medicine

Reasons Why You Should Use Herbal Medicine I take my facts from many incidents that I have been privileged to see, read, and experienced in life situations and also from the treatment of acute and chronic diseases. I would start from:  Malaria Fever Brimstone leaves(Morinda lucida): the  herb that was used to cure my former landlord of his malaria.       In Modakeke-Ife, Ile-Ife, Osun State Nigeria, I was privileged to take care of my former landlord who was down with Malaria Fever with a herb called Morinda lucida (Ewe oruwo-Yoruba language). This man had been overpowered and made temporarily impotent or enervated by malaria. He went into his bedroom and laid on the floor there and could not rise up- it is quite unusual for him to be in that state in day time. Seeing him in that state, I went out to the bush where I could lay my hands on the aforementioned herb , got back home and started the preparation of the herb: I washed the herbs thoroughly ...