Reasons Why Junk Food Is Killing You: Saccharine Diseases.
Saccharine diseases are the degenerative diseases such as: Diabetes, Obesity, Asthma, Candida albican(yeast infection), Rheumatoid Arthritis, Colitis/irritable bowel syndrome, Immuno-suppression, Tooth decay, Advances aging, Kidney damage, Mineral deficiencies, Acid blood, Digestive disorders, Osteoporosis, Food allergies, Atherosclerosis, etc.
that refined sugars(refined carbohydrates- white sugar, HFCS, soda-fizzy drinks) or junk foods and their accessories develop in the human body which are biochemically and microbiologically mediated.
WHAT ARE THE REFINED SUGARS(refined carbohydrates)?
Refined Sugars(refined carbohydrates) are simple sugars or carbohydrates, which means, a fractionated, artificial, devitalized by-product of the original organic food products e.g. common table sugar (sucrose), HFCS(high fructose corn syrup), white flour, energy glucose, fizzy drinks, alcohol(fermented sugar) etc.
Unrefined sugars or carbohydrates are complex sugars or carbohydrates found in whole wheat flour, unrefined grains, fresh fruit, vegetables. They contain all the properties of a whole food, namely: vitamins, minerals, and enzymes needed by the human body for proper digestion and metabolism.
Devitalized white sugar without vitamins and unrefined brown sugars with their vitamins
Natural fructose is contained in most raw fruits and vegetables. It's a natural food. Moderate amount of natural fructose can easily be digested by the body with no stress or depleting of mineral stores in the body.
High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)- a refined carbohydrate, by contrast, cannot be well digested, actually it inhibits digestion, it's addicting, and causes a great number of biochemical errors in the human body that produce diseases.
The consumption of refined sugar from medical and scientific researches and with proven evidence had been confirmed to cause:
- tooth decay
- asthma
- Candida albican(yeast infection)
- colitis/irritable bowel syndrome
- suppresses the immune system
- causes hyperactivity in children
- advances aging
- kidney damage
- mineral deficiencies, especially chromium, copper, calcium and magnesium
- makes the blood acidic
- digestive disorders
- arthritis
- Candida albicans
- decreased blood flow to the heart
- causes osteoporosis
- causes food allergies
- causes eczema
- atherosclerosis
- free radical formation
- loss of enzyme function
- increases liver and kidney size
- brittle tendons
- migraines
- blood clots
- depression
- chronic fatigue
- reflux/heartburn
- chronic allergies
Sugar inactivates digestive enzymes. It remains in the tract, fermenting. Some of the toxic mass gradually seeps into the bloodstream where it acidifies the blood. The body tries desperate measures to maintain the normal pH of the blood. The above symptom list shows the end-results of those efforts, the signs of their failure, or else the degeneration of a tissue that has become the final resting place for fermenting debris in an overloaded system.
Soft Drinks As A Case Study
Using soft drinks e.g. coke(Coca-Cola) as a case study. pH is a big consideration when soft drinks are taken in. If you pour a glass of Coke into 10 gallons of water, the pH will drop from 7.8 to 4.6 immediately. Our survival range is pH 7.3 – 7.45 in the blood. So obviously the body has to go through all kinds of complicated steps to keep our 5 liters of blood from getting too acidic whenever a bottle of coke is taken in anybody consuming it. This process wastes vitamins, minerals, and enzymes which should have been used for normal metabolism. See how sugar can age the body? Worn adrenals, used-up pancreas.
NOTE: Another problem with an over-acid digestive tract is that the good bacteria, the intestinal flora, are destroyed. Their job was the final stages of digestion. Without them, rotting and stagnation of food is promoted, instead of digestion. Half-digested carbohydrates are described as fermented, just like with making wine or liquor. The half-digested carbohydrates leak into the bloodstream intact and cause problems in the joints, muscles, organs – any place they lodge. Examples of diseases that come about in this manner are:
– osteoarthritis
– hepatitis
– cirrhosis
– kidney disease
– chronic fatigue
– colitis/irritable bowel syndrome
– Candida albicans
– reflux/heartburn
– chronic allergies
Candida albicans is a common yeast infection that goes all through the body. Many researchers estimate that as many as 80% of American women may have Candida.
The number one way by which Candida infect the human body is through floral imbalance – normal flora keep Candida and other potentially bad organisms in check. Not only does half-digested sugar kill off the good bacteria. In addition, Candida thrive on it. So it’s a double whammy, the way sugar promotes Candida albicans.
Many of the problems listed on the previous page are the result of incomplete digestion and breakdown. Refined sugar has the ability to change the shape of our normal digestive enzymes. Enzymes are proteins that have specific shapes in order to break down other specific molecules. When refined sugar changes the shapes of the digestive enzymes that are present for the express purpose of digesting that refined sugar – see what happens? The sugar doesn’t get digested. It just sits there and rots. Fermentation.
This is why drinking a coke or a beer just before dinner will kill your appetite. And interfere with your ability to later digest the fats and proteins in the meal. Sugar destroys the digestive enzymes
Besides enzyme destruction and acidifying the blood, sugar depletes the body of minerals. Most of the damage to the body resulting from sugar can be traced to one of these three events.
Many life functions of cells and tissues are dependent on the presence of minerals. The action of many vitamins are dependent on the presence of minerals.
First off, we have seen the importance of chromium for insulin to operate. A double threat is happening with chromium:
– chromium is depleted as the body attempts to metabolize and remove white sugar
– as the stores are used up, there won’t be enough chromium left to allow the available insulin to work.
For this reason, many people who are being diagnosed diabetic may be just chromium deficient. Even if insulin is present, it cannot operate on sugars without chromium as a co-factor. Very often chelated chromium supplements together with eliminating refined sugar from the diet can normalize a patient who was incorrectly labeled as diabetic.
Sugar also causes osteoporosis, by the following mechanism:
In order for calcium to be used by the cells, there must be a proper amount of phosphorus also present in the blood. Without the correct ratio of calcium to phosphorus, the calcium is in the wrong form – a harmful form. A form that precipitates out of solution and forms stones in the gallbladder, kidneys, and liver. Sugar wastes our phosphorus stores. Soft drinks contain phosphoric acid(take a look at the labels), which further disrupts the phosphorus balance. Without the right form of calcium in the blood, the body borrows calcium from the bones and teeth. Dr. Weston Price proved this in the 1920s. (Price)
It is the imbalance of calcium caused by refined sugar which causes tooth decay, even more than the acidic saliva attacking the exterior enamel of the teeth.
Here’s another difference between raw and refined sugar. Raw sugar doesn’t rot the teeth.
The suffix -emia at the end of a word means in the blood. Glycemia means glucose in the blood.
All foods containing carbohydrates affect the blood sugar differently. In 1981, David Jenkins came up with a way to compare foods with respect to their effect on blood sugar. He called it the Glycemic Index. The GI is based on glucose, which has a value of 100. An apple for example has a GI of 38 and is therefore said to be low on the Glycemic Index. White bread which is rated at 70 is said to be high on the GI.
White sugar (sucrose) is refined and readily absorbed, it is high on the glycemic index (65), white sugar interferes with normal digestion of other foods in the stomach and intestine. White sugar causes sharp drop-offs in blood sugar level after it is removed from the blood, because it has destroyed digestive enzymes necessary for breaking down the other food that is still in the tract, waiting to be absorbed.
Natural fruit sugar, or fructose is generally low on the glycemic index (25) Fructose is quickly and easily used by the cells and thus removed from the blood.
Here we see one of the common errors of Junk Science and the Everybody’s-A-Nutritionist phenomenon. Some “experts” will say that it’s bad to drink natural fruit juice because of all the sugar. Such a notion is completely without foundation, and shows no understanding of whole foods, the importance of enzymes, or the Glycemic Index. Fruits contain within them the enzymes such as maltase and invertase necessary to break down their fructose into usable glucose. The glucose is then either used as fuel or stored.
People don’t get diabetes because they drink too much orange juice. They get diabetes from drinking a six-pack of cola every day, or that box of donuts, or a quart of ice cream.
In addition, fruits are loaded with whole food vitamins, minerals, cellulose and natural antioxidants. These are fundamental nutrients.
Alternative-Lite holistic practitioners making recommendations for cancer patients who have refused standard treatment sometimes tell the patients to avoid fruits and fruit juices because “cancer loves sugar.” Such unfounded advice is not only incorrect; it deprives the patient of an important source of nutrient forms which is are essential for fighting cancer and boosting the immune system: antioxidants. Most credible holistic nutritionists, like MacDougall, Robbins, Dufty, Schultze, Gerson, et al., realize that normal amounts of both fruit and vegetable juices are extremely useful for anyone trying to overcome any immune-challenging disease.
In 2001, HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson announced that 5% of Americans were Type II diabetic. By 2010, it had doubled: 10% of the population diabetic.By 2011, it was 11.3%. On the CDC site under Diabetes they state that a child born after 2010 in the USA has a 1 in 3 chance statistically of becoming Type II diabetic in his lifetime. Extrapolation: by 2035 one third of the US population will be Type II diabetic.
NOTE: Type II diabetes is not congenital. Type II means you did it, by your own injudicious lifestyle, and that of the parents who enabled you.
The English physician Thomas Willis first identified and named diabetes in 1674, after England’s annual sugar consumption had gone from zero to 16 million lbs. in the previous 200 years.
Years of loading up on indigestible sugar(junk foods) wears out the pancreas which has to keep up the sugar overload. The insulin produced by the pancreas is supposed to allow sugar to be taken into the cells to be metabolized to produce energy.
When the body is young, the pancreas works well. Excess sugar in the teen years gets the pancreas used to continually dumping lots of insulin into the bloodstream to get ready for the day’s sugar load. Since insulin only lasts about 15 minutes, the pancreas may have to work all day long. Here’s where the rollercoaster first begins: all that free insulin will serve to abnormally lower the blood sugar on those occasions when the person forgot to eat his usual 10x normal sugar intake. All that insulin, and all it’s got to work on is a normal level of blood glucose. Enter hypoglycemia – low blood sugar. The body gets accustomed to excesses of both sugar and insulin. For awhile. Funny how pigging out on sugar causes low blood sugar, but that’s how it happens.
A few years later, when insulin no longer can keep up with the incoming daily sugar fix, the pancreas finally gives up. Unused sugar builds up higher and higher in the blood. The kidneys try their best to excrete it, causing the classic ‘sweet urine’ sign. That’s what diabetes is: constantly high blood glucose. The idiotic solution is to take a drug to get rid of all that extra glucose, instead of simply to stop eating 10 or 20x as much sugar as the body can handle!
Thus we see the stupidity of recommending candy for diabetics to “keep their blood sugar up.” Candy just keeps the rollercoaster going for another ride.
The main part of the immune system is the white blood cells. Their job is to circulate and locate foreign stuff. Once they locate something alien to the body, the white cells attack it, destroy it and carry it off. A slight oversimplification, but generally this is a big part of how the immune system works.
Refined sugar interferes in many ways. First of all, refined sugar blocks digestion, allowing undigested food to get into the bloodstream, thus slowing circulation way down. If the white cells can’t make their rounds, they can’t do their job.
Appleton cites two university studies which demonstrated that sugar suppresses the immune system by decreasing phagocytosis.
Phagocytosis refers to the Pac-manlike activity of white cells munching up foreign stuff. Sugar greatly reduces the activity of the white cells’ little ‘flippers’ (pseudopods), which are for reaching out to locate foreign debris.
Secondly, the immune system gets sensitized to refined sugar. That means it freaks out at first, trying to normalize the blood. But after awhile, the immune system adapts to the abnormal levels of sugar, and accepts the idea that it will operate at a sub-normal level. The sugar no longer triggers such a violent response, and as a result, neither do other foreign agents. The immune system gets more and more lenient about what level of contamination it will allow the blood to maintain. Overall health declines. This is right out of Hans Selye, the guy who discovered and studied stress.
A third way sugar depresses the immune system is by sticking to protein. In the early part of the 20th century, Louis Maillard proved that refined sugar has a particular capability for sticking to protein foods, like meat, and forming a strange new complex called glycenated protein. Food chemists call Maillard’s discovery the Maillard Reaction. We lack enzymes for these weird proteins, and so they don’t get broken down very well in the digestive tract. The immune system is then exhausted by trying to attack them year after year, since they are foreign material.
That’s why after a big burger and a large coke, you may feel slightly nauseated. The sugar binds to the meat, making a glycenated protein – a foreignburger.
The Maillard Reactions have been studied not primarily by nutritionists, but by food processors. Food chemists have evolved very sophisticated methods of gluing sugar to proteins, which is useful in the production of bread, pastries, candy, processed meats and fish, beer, crackers, and coffee. Carmelization. Taste and color are their prime concerns, not nutrition. (Scandrett) These foods are chemically processed, making it difficult if not impossible for them to be digested in our bodies.
Lowered levels of immune response is called immunosuppression. It leads to frequent flu, colds, fatigue, and other diseases of civilization. The more refined the diet became, the more degenerative diseases prevailed – arthritis, allergies, colitis, diabetes, etc. This is not a theory.
Obesity is defined as being more than 35% over normal weight. In 1993, 30% of Americans were obese. (Fats That Heal, p 405) At the present time, more than half of Americans are in the overweight category, including children. The percentage increases almost every year.
Excess sugar consumption is largely responsible for obesity. Consuming 160 lbs per year of anything indigestible would probably have a less than salubrious effect on the body. But in the case of sugar, it’s worse. Sugar becomes converted to fat. Excess glucose is changed to fatty acids, then triglycerides, then stored as adipose tissue. This accounts for Joe Sixpack’s spare tire. Or fat little Johnny, who must have his coke every couple of hours.
Worse news is that the types of fatty acids produced from refined sugar are killer types – the kinds that clog arteries. They are not essential fatty acids, which are necessary for complete health, and actually interfere with normal operation of the good, essential fatty acids.
The main reason pro athletes don’t chug soft drinks is that they know what sugar does to muscle. As established by scientific research, muscle is either torn down or built up by the opposing action of two hormones:
A third hormone is also involved: insulin. Before this gets too complicated, keep these three facts in mind:
a. cortisol wants to maintain high levels of blood glucose for fight or flight situations
b. cortisol’s favorite target is muscle. Cortisol gets amino acids from tearing down muscle. The amino acids are then converted to glucose
c. insulin regulates cortisol.
So. We have seen that a worn-out pancreas no longer puts out sufficient insulin. With no insulin, cortisol is not regulated. Cortisol then has a free hand to tear down muscle. Sugar works into this scenario in two separate ways:
1. After many years, a high sugar diet destroys the pancreas’s ability to put out insulin
2. Processing refined sugar out of the body requires chromium. Eventually, with a high sugar diet, we are chromium-deficient. Chromium is necessary to activate insulin. With no chromium, even the little insulin still present cannot do its job. Result: cortisol runs wild and tears down muscle.
This is why diabetic tend to be flabby – muscle destruction.
Remember all this after a workout, if you are offered a bottle of coke, think of canceling out all the good you just did for your muscles by the workout.
As noted above, sugar promotes a condition of acidity wherever it goes – the mouth, the stomach, the blood. In the mouth the pH gets lower with the presence of sugar. At around pH 5.5, the saliva begins to dissolve tooth enamel. After eating sugar, the pH of saliva may go down to 4.5 and stay there for 20 minutes or more. This is why the dentists always say that even if you can’t brush your teeth after eating sweets, at least rinse the mouth with water as soon as possible. That would prevent much of the dissolving of the tooth enamel.
9.ALCOHOL: as a refined carbohydrate.
Alcohol is a sugar. It is a refined sugar, and more – it is a fermented sugar. Fermented means half-digested. In the research done on CANCER metabolism, it was published that cancer thrives in an environment with little or no oxygen. That’s why cancer loves refined sugar – not being well digested, sugar ferments in the body. With alcohol, it’s already fermented when we drink it. Fermentation occurs in an anaerobic environment: no oxygen.
Alcoholic beverages are the fermented sugars of the individual fruit or grain. Alcohol is a super-refined substance. It enters the body with no vitamins, minerals, or enzymes to aid in its breakdown. At least sugar products must pass through the digestive system before entering the bloodstream. But alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream immediately, right through the stomach. Alcohol makes an immediate assault on all the body’s stores of enzymes, insulin, vitamins, and minerals, which seek to break it down and maintain the blood’s delicate pH. That’s how alcohol ages the body so fast, it makes the liver to develop cirrhosis due to the assault of alcohol on the liver
That’s why many alcoholics look so old due to chronic dehydration!
To help yourself, your family and people near and far away from you, pass this information across to them and also endeavour to eat what you cook and cook what you eat.
Desist from the consumption of junk and processed foods.
The Doctor Within(blog):Sugar the sweet thief of life.
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Selye, H- The Stress of Life McGraw-Hill 1978
Anderson, R— Cleanse and Purify 1998
Miller, J et al.— The Glucose Revolution 1998 Marlowe & Co.
Scandrett, C — Maillard Reactions 101: Theory 1997
Podell, R MD— The G-Index Diet Warner 1993
Price, W— Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
MacDougall J MD— MacDougall’s Medicine: A Challenging Second Opinion
Lee, R — Food Integrity — from Conversations in Nutrition 1955 Standard Process
Gold, M — The Bitter Truth About Artificial Sweeteners
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Blaylock R, — Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills, Health Press, 1998, p. 107
Bressler, J— The Bressler Report — Congressional Record p. S5499 of 1985a
Metzenbaum, H — Letter from Senator Howard Metzenbaum (Committee on the Budget) to Orrin Hatch, Chairman of the Labor and Human Resources Committee February 3, 1986
Gyland, S MD— Letter to the editor Journal of the American Medical Association
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